Filter By Category (-) Academics Admissions Advising & Student Success Alumni Alumni Stories Campus Life College Info College Updates Faculty Resources (-) Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Student Success Support Services Technology Content type Article Basic page Landing Page Program Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Library Services Faculty/Staff and Students Your TC3 Card is your library card. Full and part-time students can obtain their photo ID cards in the TC3 Card Office in Room 101. Community Members We welcome area... Basic page Students with Disabilities and Your Classroom What is the College's obligation to students with disabilities? By law and by policy, the College is committed to provide equal access for all qualified individuals to its programs and educational... Landing Page SUNY Apprenticeship Program Basic page Office of Academic Records The Office of Academic Records manages the complete academic record for all students, past and present. While the office operates largely behind the scenes, students most typically interact with... Basic page Strategic Plan 2019 Connecting In January 2019, Tompkins Cortland Community College began a strategic planning process to bring focus to institutional priorities that will guide the College over the next three to five... Basic page TC3 Card Access your TC3 Card Account Login to your TC3 Card The TC3 Card has multiple accounts for different uses on and off campus. Panther Dollars Money added on your card in Panther Dollars are used to... Basic page Title IV Refund Policy The U.S. Department of Education assumes that you earn your aid based on the period of time you remain enrolled. During the first 60 percent of the semester you earn Title IV funds in direct... Basic page American Rescue Act Special Circumstance If you have a documented Special Circumstance that negatively affects you/your family’s financial situation – such as state unemployment receipts – you could be eligible for a financial aid adjustment... Basic page Academic Advising Academic Advisors You will be assigned a faculty academic advisor for your program of study. You usually stay with the same academic advisor until graduation unless you change degree programs. All... External Resource Whom to Contact for What Basic page Transferring from TC3 Plan now for transfer success Transfer services can get you on the path to transfer to a four-year college or university with the programs and experience that interest you. You can schedule an... Basic page Web Accessibility Statement At Tompkins Cortland Community College, we are dedicated to creating an accessible online experience for all visitors to our website. Our Commitment We follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines... Basic page Career Advising We’re here to help you discover the career possibilities and prepare for that next step after TC3. Whether it's helping you determine your academic degree program, your future career path, or editing... Landing Page Student Support Basic page Academic Recovery The Academic Recovery Process is for students who are below the College’s Academic Standards . The purpose is to inform and advise them on their path to returning to good academic standing. An... Load More
Basic page Library Services Faculty/Staff and Students Your TC3 Card is your library card. Full and part-time students can obtain their photo ID cards in the TC3 Card Office in Room 101. Community Members We welcome area...
Basic page Students with Disabilities and Your Classroom What is the College's obligation to students with disabilities? By law and by policy, the College is committed to provide equal access for all qualified individuals to its programs and educational...
Basic page Office of Academic Records The Office of Academic Records manages the complete academic record for all students, past and present. While the office operates largely behind the scenes, students most typically interact with...
Basic page Strategic Plan 2019 Connecting In January 2019, Tompkins Cortland Community College began a strategic planning process to bring focus to institutional priorities that will guide the College over the next three to five...
Basic page TC3 Card Access your TC3 Card Account Login to your TC3 Card The TC3 Card has multiple accounts for different uses on and off campus. Panther Dollars Money added on your card in Panther Dollars are used to...
Basic page Title IV Refund Policy The U.S. Department of Education assumes that you earn your aid based on the period of time you remain enrolled. During the first 60 percent of the semester you earn Title IV funds in direct...
Basic page American Rescue Act Special Circumstance If you have a documented Special Circumstance that negatively affects you/your family’s financial situation – such as state unemployment receipts – you could be eligible for a financial aid adjustment...
Basic page Academic Advising Academic Advisors You will be assigned a faculty academic advisor for your program of study. You usually stay with the same academic advisor until graduation unless you change degree programs. All...
Basic page Transferring from TC3 Plan now for transfer success Transfer services can get you on the path to transfer to a four-year college or university with the programs and experience that interest you. You can schedule an...
Basic page Web Accessibility Statement At Tompkins Cortland Community College, we are dedicated to creating an accessible online experience for all visitors to our website. Our Commitment We follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines...
Basic page Career Advising We’re here to help you discover the career possibilities and prepare for that next step after TC3. Whether it's helping you determine your academic degree program, your future career path, or editing...
Basic page Academic Recovery The Academic Recovery Process is for students who are below the College’s Academic Standards . The purpose is to inform and advise them on their path to returning to good academic standing. An...