Access & Equity
Tompkins Cortland Community College
170 North Street, P.O. Box 139
Dryden, NY 13053
- MON 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- TUE 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- WED 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- THU 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- FRI 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- SAT Closed
- SUN Closed
What is the College's obligation to students with disabilities?
By law and by policy, the College is committed to provide equal access for all qualified individuals to its programs and educational opportunities. The need for physical access (elevators, ramps, etc.) is obvious to most of us, but access needs also include the curriculum itself and measures of evaluation. Academic adjustments may include special seating, testing modifications, use of assistive technology, or presentation of course materials in alternate formats. The college has designated the Baker Center for Learning to identify appropriate academic adjustments and Scott Bennett, Coordinator of Tutoring and Accommodation Services, to coordinate the provision of these services. Carolyn Boone acts as the Chief Policy and Compliance Officer. In addition, the Adjunct for Access & Equity Services is available to train instructors as well as students in the use of assistive technology.
What is my obligation as an instructor?
You are an agent of the college and as such share the college's obligations to provide access within all aspects of your course. Your course outline should include the following disability statements:
This material is available in alternative formats upon request.
It is the college's policy to provide, on an individual basis, academic adjustments to students with disabilities, which may affect their ability to fully participate in program or course activities or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Baker Center for Learning at 607.844.8222 x4420,, to discuss their particular need for academic adjustments.
A Variety of Academic Accommodations
Academic accommodations vary, with some applying specifically to the classroom, testing, print materials, or all areas. Below is an explanation of the possible academic adjustments listed in an Access Plan Memo.
Computer with Word-Processing for All Writing Tasks
Students may use computers available in the Baker Center for Learning (BCL) for testing or in-class writing tasks. Students can also use laptops or AlphaSmart® keyboards in class. (AlphaSmart® keyboards can be borrowed from the BCL.)
Copies of PowerPoints, Instructor Notes, and Blackboard Images
Provide students with copies of notes, overheads, or digital materials at the beginning of class. If not available digitally, the BCL can assist with converting hard copies to electronic formats. Students may also take pictures of board notes with smartphones or tablets.
Extended Time for Tests (1.5X or 2X)
The BCL is available to provide this modification, or instructors may offer extended time themselves. Ensure that students remain in the same location during the test. For evening exams or tests at extension centers, consult with BCL staff.
Large Print (Including Tests)
Enlarge materials using a copy machine or magnification software. Provide the student with the enlarged materials at the same time as the general student population.
Reduced Distraction Testing Location
The BCL offers a quiet environment during regular hours. Contact the BCL for other location or time options.
Note-Taking Assistance
Assist students in finding a peer note-taker, or the BCL can provide note-taking supplies and materials.
Alternate Format Textbooks and Course Materials
Students with print disabilities can receive materials in various formats such as e-text, Braille, or audio. The BCL helps students obtain textbooks in alternate formats.
Alternate Seating
Provide furniture or seating that meets a student’s specific needs. For example, students with hearing impairments may need to sit at the front, or students with mobility issues may need easier access to the door.
Allow the use of electronic spellers or word processors with spellcheck features during assignments and tests.
Digitally Read Exams
Provide the BCL with a digital copy of the test to be read aloud by computer software. Ensure tests are submitted at least 2 business days in advance.
Use of Calculator for All Math Tasks
Allow students to use a calculator for any math task during exams or in-class assignments.
Use of Recorder in the Classroom
Students may record lectures with prior consent. They must adhere to agreements regarding the use of recorded material.
Voice-Input Computer/Word Processor
Students may use voice recognition software (e.g., Dragon Naturally Speaking) in the BCL to complete assignments. Students should allow time for training the software.
Voice-Output Computer/Word Processor
This software reads aloud text that students have written. It is available on TC3 student-use computers and can also be downloaded for personal devices.
Accessible Digital Format
Provide materials in accessible digital formats (e.g., email attachments or web posts). If unavailable, the BCL can scan and convert materials to digital format.
Use of Laptop for Classroom Note-Taking
Students may use laptops or tablets to take notes in class, even if they are otherwise prohibited. Faculty may limit internet access during class.
Captioning of Audio and Video Materials
If you use audio or video materials, the BCL will ensure captioning for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Plan ahead, as this process takes time.
Taped, Read, or Oral Exams
Digitally read exams have replaced taped exams. For students requiring this adjustment, submit the test digitally to the BCL at least 2 business days in advance.
Other Adjustments
This may include attendance flexibility, specified font sizes for large print, or the use of sign language interpreters. Consult the BCL staff if unsure about applying these accommodations.
Where to Get Help
- Carolyn Boone, Coordinator of Access and Equity Services, Ext. 4283
- Scott Bennett, Coordinator of Tutoring and Accommodation Services, Ext. 4416
- Baker Center for Learning, Ext. 4415,
For more information, contact the BCL or consult with one of the coordinators listed above.
What should I do if a student identifies him/herself to me as a person with a disability?
Ask the student if he or she has been in contact with the Baker Center for Learning. If not, refer the student and notify one of the Baker Center Coordinators. You should not personally collect and/or maintain any disability documentation nor should you make a determination as to the existence of a disability or the reasonableness of a request without consultation. Unless you are willing to provide a requested modification to all students, you should not provide it to any student without having first received a Memorandum of Course Academic Adjustments from the student (prepared by the Baker Center).
What is the procedure for receiving academic adjustments?
The student must provide the Baker Center with appropriate documentation describing the disability and the limitations related to learning. An access plan is then developed between the student and BCL staff. Appropriate classroom, testing and other academic adjustments are identified on a Course Academic Adjustments memo, which the student delivers to each faculty member from whom he or she is requesting academic adjustments.
You are entitled to reasonable notice of any requested academic adjustments. We encourage you and the student to meet and discuss the particulars of the request.
What if the requested academic adjustments conflict with my course structure and/or policies?
You may have to make a modification in your structure or policies. Not making an adjustment may discriminate against the student because of the disability; however, while the need for modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services in a particular case is not negotiable, there are often alternate ways to provide the academic adjustments. Academic adjustments must be sensitive to the fundamental structure and objectives of your course. If you believe that a requested modification or auxiliary aid or service will so alter your course, immediately consult with one of the Baker Center coordinators. What constitutes an appropriate modification or auxiliary aid or service in one course, or even section of a course, may not be appropriate in another.
Feel free in all cases to discuss methods of academic adjustments with the student and with one of the Baker Center coordinators.
The college has hired you for your expertise in your field and in the classroom. We do not expect you to have expertise in the field of disability and postsecondary education. Let us help you create the best possible learning environment for both you and your students.
Strategies to Improve Learning for All Students
These strategies are designed to enhance your teaching and can benefit all students, including those with disabilities. By implementing these techniques, you can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment without drastically changing your teaching style.
How to Help Students Get the Most Out of Class
- Initiate ongoing dialogue with students.
- Encourage participation and questions.
- Allow the use of recorders for note-taking.
- Provide online notes for each class.
- Encourage students to exchange notes and review materials with classmates.
- Begin each class with a review of the previous session and provide an overview of what’s to come. End with a summary of key points.
- Allocate time for questions, discussions, and requests for further examples.
- Highlight major concepts and terminology both orally and visually, and read aloud materials on the board or handouts.
- Present new vocabulary in writing and reinforce its use throughout the class.
- When forming groups, use an objective method to ensure inclusivity (e.g., first four students, alternating students).
- Give assignments both orally and in writing.
How to Help Students Study
- Remind students of your office hours for clarification on lectures, readings, or assignments.
- Encourage the formation of study groups and offer in-class time for group work.
- Provide explicit feedback on students' work to help them focus their efforts.
- Choose textbooks with study guides or ones available in audio or captioned formats if possible.
- Periodically offer study tips and encourage class discussions on ways to improve studying and organizing ideas.
- Promote the use of college support services, including those in the Baker Commons.
How to Help Students Demonstrate What They've Learned
- Allow oral or taped presentations as alternatives to written assignments.
- Offer feedback on early drafts to guide and encourage students to improve their work.
- Provide exam study questions to illustrate the format and content, and explain what you expect for a good answer.
- Encourage students to ask for clarification if they don't understand an exam question.
- Avoid overly complex sentence structures or double negatives in exam questions.
- Separate the evaluation of essay exams into content and mechanics, grading them individually and allowing mechanics to be revised outside class for a new grade.
- Allow the use of calculators, scratch paper, pocket spellers, and dictionaries. Provide extra scratch paper for students with large or poor handwriting.
- Let students write directly on exam papers, allowing them to underline, highlight, or visually break down questions for better understanding.
By incorporating these strategies, you'll enhance learning and make your classroom environment more accessible and supportive for all students.