CSA Newsletter #20

I can't figure this weather thing out. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was pretty cold most of last week. I even busted out the long johns for the first time this fall. But it never got as cold as predicted for the overnights and the hoophouse crops continued without much damage. Nevertheless, we continued clearing out the tomatoes by harvesting the remaining cherries and started removing plants. Additionally, the beds where the garlic is going to be planted is prepped and ready to go. The seed garlic, which we purchase locally from Buried Treasures Farm in Groton, has been separated and should be planted within the week. I always aim for garlic planting around Halloween. Since October weather is so unpredictable, I don't want to plant it too early in October. If it's a mild fall and it doesn't get consistently cold until late, the garlic may begin to focus some energy on top growth. I want there to be enough time to just put energy into root establishment.

Before I move onto this week's CSA share, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank a great group of folks who came out and volunteered almost weekly at the farm since June. We partnered with Challenge Industries to be a site for some of their clients to volunteer and last week was the end of their time at the farm for the season. They helped with many farm tasks that would have been put by the wayside with the small group of interns that I had this season. In addition to having classes at TC3 coming out for visits, partnering with community groups is another thing that I missed while we were in the unknowns around COVID. Just like Project Lead, Challenge was a group that we had partnered with in various capacities in the past. 

Okay, onto week 20's share. This week there will be still be tomatoes! We've got to finish harvesting the heirlooms and some sorting so I'm not exactly sure how they will be divided but there will still be boxes of cherry tomatoes. There will also be fennel, hot peppers and hakurei turnips. This week they will not have any greens attached. The last of the fresh ginger will be in the choice. TC3 Farm spices are making a return this week. There will be paprika and gochugaru to choose from. If you are a kimchi fan, than you are familiar with gochugaru. It is a Korean cayenne powder that is traditionally used in kimchi. The farm grew them this year to use in the Food Preservation course that I teach. Finally, there will be a choice of cabbage and broccoli in the share. I was pleasantly surprised to find enough of each to harvest and group together for the share.

Have a great week!

-Farmer Todd