CSA Newsletter #19

Well, we got that stretch of nice weather that we needed and it definitely made an impact. First of all, both the field and tunnel crops enjoyed it. It's really been the perfect weather with temps in the low 70s and lots of sun. I also had the opportunity to get some field work done. The weediest strawberry patch ever was mowed down. It looks really good but I think the nightmare of picking in those weeds is forever ingrained. We started tarping an area that we want to bring into production. The use of a tarp allows the grass to be killed and then it will be easier to work up. Finally, I got the area a bit more prepped for garlic planting. Along with the new strawberry planting, getting the garlic in the ground starts the planning for the next season. Since crop rotation is an integral part to our farming practices, these plantings lay the foundation to next year's rotation. Fingers crossed that the weather cooperates when we need to get the garlic in the ground in the next few weeks.

This week's CSA share features some new items in the choice but let's talk about the summer crops that are still producing. Both the sweet bells and fryers are still producing. They are definitely slowing down and we may start harvesting more "sun-tan" or green peppers in the coming weeks. The hot peppers are still going strong and there will be more of the habanada's this week. The tomatoes are still here, as well. They definitely enjoyed the sun in the past week. There will be heirloom, paste and beefsteaks available. And..... cherry tomatoes are returning this week. They most likely will be a part of a choice with a new crop this week that I'll get to in a bit. Also, garlic and kale will still be available.

Now, let's talk about this week's new crops. Most likely pairing with the cherry tomatoes, will be cauliflower. I would have loved for it to be by itself but a lot have been damaged by slugs/snails and all the sun was having an adverse affect. But, I'm also pretty pumped because I've been trying unsuccessfully to grow cauliflower over the past few years. I was ready to call it quits after this season but this tiny success has given me hope. This is the first time more than 2 harvestable heads have come out of the field. There will also be the first rutabaga of the season. Rutabaga fries are one of our favorites. Not only are they tasty, we can trick our kids and just call them french fries. There will also be these adorable mini cone shaped cabbages. They have leaves that are perfect for cabbage rolls or a small cabbage salad. And although not new, the kohlrabi this week is a different variety. This one is a storage variety. It's harvested at a much larger size but it stays tender and will last for 3 months or so without getting soft. The greens will also be attached if you're looking for something to stir fry. Lastly, as a bonus item, there will be ornamental gourds available. We had an epic volunteer grow randomly in the home garden. My daughter Sadie loves fall (actually, I think that she loves whatever season she's in) and wanted to share them with the CSA.

Have a great week.

Farmer Todd