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Basic page Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires Tompkins Cortland Community College, with certain exceptions, to obtain a student’s written consent before disclosing educational...
Basic page Beginning a College Transcript High school-aged students enrolling in TC3 coursework should understand the implications of having a college transcript. Low or failing college grades may affect a student's academic future. Students...
Basic page CollegeNow Student Support Services You’re not taking courses on an island – we support you every step of the way! All of our academic support services are open to CollegeNow students in on-campus, online, and in the high school courses...
Basic page TC3 Internship Fund Internships are an excellent way to gain valuable hands-on job experience that helps you explore careers and identify, and foster strengths and skills. Accepting internship offers is not always as...
Basic page Survey & Research Application Survey and Research Review Committee (SARRC) Our mission is to review and approve research proposals, especially surveys at Tompkins Cortland to make sure that they comply with internal as well as...
Basic page Tutoring Getting tutoring support at TC3 is free and easy! Drop in anytime during operating hours, in-person or online, for a wide array of tutoring support. Prepare for Tutoring Bring a copy of your...
Basic page CollegeNow Instructor Benefits CollegeNow recognizes the importance of helping to keep our concurrent enrollment instructors at the forefront of education. We are pleased to be able to provide the following concurrent enrollment...
Basic page Self-Study Timeline Fall 2024 Self-Study Leads attend the MSCHE Self-Study Institute and meet weekly to draft the Self-Study Design. Strategic Planning advisory group drafts "institutional pillars" that will inform the...
Basic page Economic Impact Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) creates value in many ways. The college plays a key role in helping students increase their employability and achieve their individual potential. The college...
Basic page Be One of Us Scholarship Students who do not reside in New York State have the opportunity to pay in-state tuition through our Be One of US Scholarship! This scholarship waives the non-resident portion of tuition to support...
Basic page Employment Opportunities Administrator and Staff Opportunities Assistant Comptroller Employment Date: ASAP Term of Employment: Renewable, Full-Time, 12-Months Job Description: Responsible for the day-to-day accounting...
Basic page Middle States Overview The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is the accreditation body for our institution. Tompkins Cortland Community College started its current Self-Study cycle in Fall 2024 by...