Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) creates value in many ways. The college plays a key role in helping students increase their employability and achieve their individual potential. The college draws students to the region, generating new dollars and opportunities for the Tompkins Cortland Service Area.1 Tompkins Cortland provides students with the education, training, and skills they need to have fulfilling and prosperous careers.
Furthermore, Tompkins Cortland is a place for students to meet new people, increase their self-confidence, and promote their overall health and well-being. Tompkins Cortland influences both the lives of its students and the regional economy. The college supports a variety of industries in the Tompkins Cortland Service Area, serves regional businesses, and benefits society as a whole in New York from an expanded economy and improved quality of life. Additionally, the benefits created by Tompkins Cortland extend to the state and local government through increased tax revenues and public sector savings. This study measures the economic impacts created by Tompkins Cortland on the business community and the benefits the college generates in return for the investments made by its key stakeholder groups—students, taxpayers, and society.
The latest analysis of TC3's economic impact was completed in 2023, and shows TC3 adds nearly $57.2 million annually to the economy.