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Basic page Academic Recovery The Academic Recovery Process is for students who are below the College’s Academic Standards . The purpose is to inform and advise them on their path to returning to good academic standing. An...
Basic page Academic Regulations Transfer Credit Policy Transfer courses are evaluated individually. Credits for all courses passed with a letter grade of C or higher at regionally accredited institutions and recorded on official...
Basic page Transcripts Requesting a Transcript from TC3 TC3 requires at least two business days to send requested transcripts. Allow additional time for postal delivery. Transcripts may be ordered online, in writing, or in...
Basic page CollegeNow On-Campus or Online High School students can take TC3 courses on campus and online. College professors teach these classes – giving you the full college experience! As a TC3 student, you’re welcome to use our tutoring...
Basic page Find Videos Specialty Streaming Resources Academic Video Online Educational streaming video titles spanning a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music...
Program Liberal Arts & Sciences: Gender & Sexuality Studies A.S. Explore Identities & Foster Inclusivity
Basic page General Education SUNY General Education Courses SUNY has ten General Education categories, and each campus in the SUNY system has a list of approved courses meeting outcomes in each of the ten categories. All...
Basic page Study Abroad in Cambodia: English & Anthropology Be transformed, and experience Cambodia in the heart of Southeast Asia Be a part of a collaborative experience between Tompkins Cortland and the Center for Khmer Studies. Learn about the Khmer Rouge...
Basic page Study Abroad in Ireland: Sustainable Stories of the Border Counties Journey to Ireland’s northern counties for 9 days over Spring Break! Explore the stories of survival, beauty, conflict, and resolution found in Dublin, Derry, and the "forgotten county" of Donegal. We...
Basic page Study Abroad in the Dominican Republic: Food Systems, Culture & Cuisine Are you curious about what a resilient local food system in another culture looks like? Join us as we explore the rich history, and food ways of the second largest island in the Caribbean, the...