
College Teaching Center


1.The name of this organization shall be the College Teaching Center Board.

2. The Mission of the College Teaching Center is to help educators share resources and experiences  to enhance teaching and learning.

3. The purpose of the Board shall be to:

     A. Research, provide, and promote activities that assist full-time/part-time/adjunct faculty in improving teaching and learning.

     B. Assess those activities undertaken by the College Teaching Center.

     C. Provide assistance to the faculty in the area of professional development.

     D. Envision how the College Teaching Center might best serve the present and future needs of the faculty.


1. The membership of the College Teaching Center Board will be comprised as follows:

     A. Seven shall be either full-time faculty members or other persons eligible for representation by the Tompkins Cortland Community College Faculty Association;

     B. Two members whose primary role shall be as adjunct faculty;

     C. One member shall be a representative of the Baker Commons, selected by the Baker Commons staff;

     D. One member shall represent the College Now Program or its successor program;     

     E. The Coordinator(s) of the College Teaching Center, who shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of the Board;

     F. An administrative liaison, who shall serve as a non-voting, ex officio member of the Board.

2. The voting faculty and instructional staff members of the Board shall be elected by an at-large election process from those eligible for representation as stated above in Article II, #1. Two members (a representative of the Baker Commons and a representative of the College Now Program or its successor program) are stipulated by position.

3. Terms shall be three years in duration, with elections occurring prior to the last CTC meeting of the Spring semester of each year. Elections shall be by plurality.

4. Resignations will be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Board. In the event of a resignation or a permanent vacancy occurring for any other reason, the Board will call for a special election to fill the remainder of the term if a semester or more remains for the term. If less than a semester remains in the term, the Board may fill the remainder of the term by appointing the candidate with the next highest number of votes in the most recent election. If that candidate is no longer interested, the Board may canvass for interest and appoint a replacement.

5. After two consecutive absences from Board meetings, an elected member will be contacted by the Chair to determine if continued membership is appropriate. At the next meeting, the Board will consider the Chair's report and may take any action it finds appropriate in the circumstances, up to and including declaring the member's seat vacant.

6. If a member of the Board goes on leave or participates in some other activity that causes him or her to be absent from campus for the duration of a semester or longer, the Board may appoint someone to fill the temporary vacancy thus created.


1. The Chair shall be elected from among the voting members of the Board by popular majority vote for a term of one year, renewable for one additional year. Duties include calling and arranging for the monthly meeting, setting the agenda for each meeting, presiding at the Board meetings, appointing standing and ad hoc committees and maintaining a liaison with the coordinator(s) of the College Teaching Center. In the event of the Chair's absence from a meeting, (s)he may designate an acting chair from among the Board members.

2.The position of recording secretary will rotate among members each month. Duties include taking minutes, having them typed, and submitting them to the Chair for distribution.


1 The Board will meet at least once a month during the academic year. At each meeting the Board will:

     A. Receive and comment upon a report of the current activities from the coordinator(s).

     B. Receive a current report of expenditures from the Dean of Organizational Success and Learning.

     C. Evaluate the success of activities that have been implemented.

     D. Plan the implementation of new activities.

     E. Respond to the needs and ideas of our constituent faculty.

2.The Board will review and consider for approval:

     A. The budget for the College Teaching Center.

     B. Annual department plan.

     C. Any formal interaction with entities outside of the college.

     D. Any expenditures over $200.00.

3.  The Board will form a selection committee, which shall receive applications for Coordinator(s) and forward up to three candidates to the Board.   Final selection will be made by the Board in Executive Session.


1.  The Coordinator(s) of the College Teaching Center shall be recruited and recommended for hire by the College Teaching Center Board and shall serve as agent(s) of the Board. The term(s) will be for one year renewable, and with duties determined and reviewed annually, at the discretion of the Board. The duties of the Coordinator(s) shall include: assisting full-time and adjunct faculty in instructional and staff development needs through individual consulting or referral, recommending staff development activities to the CTC Board, promoting the CTC among the faculty, overseeing the currency of the CTC website, ensuring the usability of the CTC room resources, and attending meetings of the CTC Board.

  Additional duties for the faculty coordinator include: coordinating the mentorship program, acting as primary liaison to the planning team for the annual teaching conference, and preparing the annual report. Additional duties for the adjunct faculty coordinator include: planning and preparing activities and resources related to adjunct orientation, communicating with adjuncts about activities and services of the College Teaching Center, communicating with adjuncts at the extension centers to inquire about their particular needs, and being available to consult one-on-one with adjuncts.

  The term for Coordinators will be for one year renewable for one additional year at the discretion of the Board.  Discussion and decisions regarding renewal of Coordinator positions will be made in Executive Session.  After two years, the position(s) will be opened for new applicants.  Prior or current Coordinators are not prohibited from applying.

  The Faculty Coordinator position should be filled by a member of the Faculty Association.  If no member of the Faculty Association is interested in the position, other candidates may be considered by the Board. The Adjunct Faculty Coordinator position is open only to adjunct instructors with teaching experience at Tompkins Cortland during 6 of the last 8 semesters.

  Applications for Coordinator(s) will be made to the CTC Board in writing. Applicants will be chosen by the selection committee as in Article IV, Section 3. Applicants shall state the basis for their interest in serving as Coordinator.


1. Executive committee--The Executive Committee of the Board shall consist of the Chair of the Board, the Coordinator(s), and the Dean for Instruction and Dean for Organizational Success and Learning. Functions of the Executive Committee:

     A. The Committee will meet or communicate as necessary prior to the meeting of the full Board.

     B. The Committee shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Board, whenever so   authorized by the Board.

     C. The Committee shall assist and guide the Board in matters of CTC planning and operations, Board policies, and changes in Board Bylaws.

     D. The Committee shall have the authority to authorize expenditures up to a maximum of $200.

2.Additional subcommittees of the Board may be established as needed.


1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) shall govern the Board, unless specifically in conflict with these bylaws.

2.A quorum shall be six voting members or a majority of voting members (not counting   vacancies), whichever is less.


1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of voting members of the Board. Bylaws amendments may be initiated by a single member of the Board.

2. Within five years after the adoption of these bylaws, the chair shall appoint a special committee to review these bylaws and to recommend changes in them if necessary.