Filter By Category Academics Admissions Advising & Student Success Alumni College Info Faculty Resources Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Support Services Technology Content type Article (-) Basic page Department/Office Details Landing Page Person (-) Program Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Non-Academic Code of Conduct Process When a non-academic incident occurs involving a Tompkins Cortland Community College student’s alleged violation of any rule or regulation outlined in the Student Conduct Code policies or in the... Basic page Other Student Grievances This process is intended to be used to address problems arising in the relationship between a student and a staff or faculty member that are not specifically governed by one of the other procedures... Basic page Weapons on Campus Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted on campus, including residence halls. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons by anyone is strictly... Basic page Hazing Prevention Tompkins Cortland Community College prohibits all students, staff, faculty, visitors, licensees, and other guests from engaging in any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers... Basic page Bias Crimes Prevention Hate Crimes and the Law Tompkins Cortland Community College is committed to protecting all members of the Tompkins Cortland community by preventing and prosecuting bias or hate crimes occurring within... Basic page Sexual Assault, Dating Partner Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention Tompkins Cortland Community College has programs in place to protect all members of the Tompkins Cortland community from sexual assault, stalking and domestic and intimate partner violence, including... Basic page Maintenance of Order An academic institution cannot function properly in its search for knowledge and truth in an atmosphere which is not open. A college must continue to function if the search is to be meaningful. Any... Basic page Student Bill of Rights The State University of New York and the College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking... Basic page Academic Standards Maintenance of Academic Standards Tompkins Cortland Community College is committed to high academic standards while offering students every practical opportunity to accomplish their academic goals and... Basic page Credit for Experiential Learning A college degree is awarded after you have completed all of the course requirements for the program in which you are matriculated. Traditionally, credit is received by completing college courses, but... Basic page Final Exam Schedule Fall 2024 Final Exams Schedule sorted by course name (pdf) Schedule sorted by instructor name (pdf) If you have specific questions about final exam requirements for your course, please contact your... Basic page Sustainable Literacy Program Earn a special sustainability designation with any TC3 degree. Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Making... Basic page Diversity & Inclusion Diversity enriches our learning. We embrace diversity in all of its contexts, including strengths, perspectives, and people. We seek to increase our capacity to understand issues of difference, power... Basic page English as a Second Language Classes The College's ESL program offers a series of 4-credit-hour courses in three areas of academic skill preparation. Courses are available in grammar/writing, reading/vocabulary, and listening/speaking... Basic page Intensive English Programs With over a decade of experience offering Intensive English Programs (IEPs) to international students and professionals on our safe, beautiful, and rural campus, Tompkins Cortland is an innovator in... Load More
Basic page Non-Academic Code of Conduct Process When a non-academic incident occurs involving a Tompkins Cortland Community College student’s alleged violation of any rule or regulation outlined in the Student Conduct Code policies or in the...
Basic page Other Student Grievances This process is intended to be used to address problems arising in the relationship between a student and a staff or faculty member that are not specifically governed by one of the other procedures...
Basic page Weapons on Campus Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted on campus, including residence halls. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons by anyone is strictly...
Basic page Hazing Prevention Tompkins Cortland Community College prohibits all students, staff, faculty, visitors, licensees, and other guests from engaging in any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers...
Basic page Bias Crimes Prevention Hate Crimes and the Law Tompkins Cortland Community College is committed to protecting all members of the Tompkins Cortland community by preventing and prosecuting bias or hate crimes occurring within...
Basic page Sexual Assault, Dating Partner Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention Tompkins Cortland Community College has programs in place to protect all members of the Tompkins Cortland community from sexual assault, stalking and domestic and intimate partner violence, including...
Basic page Maintenance of Order An academic institution cannot function properly in its search for knowledge and truth in an atmosphere which is not open. A college must continue to function if the search is to be meaningful. Any...
Basic page Student Bill of Rights The State University of New York and the College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking...
Basic page Academic Standards Maintenance of Academic Standards Tompkins Cortland Community College is committed to high academic standards while offering students every practical opportunity to accomplish their academic goals and...
Basic page Credit for Experiential Learning A college degree is awarded after you have completed all of the course requirements for the program in which you are matriculated. Traditionally, credit is received by completing college courses, but...
Basic page Final Exam Schedule Fall 2024 Final Exams Schedule sorted by course name (pdf) Schedule sorted by instructor name (pdf) If you have specific questions about final exam requirements for your course, please contact your...
Basic page Sustainable Literacy Program Earn a special sustainability designation with any TC3 degree. Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Making...
Basic page Diversity & Inclusion Diversity enriches our learning. We embrace diversity in all of its contexts, including strengths, perspectives, and people. We seek to increase our capacity to understand issues of difference, power...
Basic page English as a Second Language Classes The College's ESL program offers a series of 4-credit-hour courses in three areas of academic skill preparation. Courses are available in grammar/writing, reading/vocabulary, and listening/speaking...
Basic page Intensive English Programs With over a decade of experience offering Intensive English Programs (IEPs) to international students and professionals on our safe, beautiful, and rural campus, Tompkins Cortland is an innovator in...