An academic institution cannot function properly in its search for knowledge and truth in an atmosphere which is not open. A college must continue to function if the search is to be meaningful. Any demonstration or dissent that interferes with the operation of this college thereby interferes with the freedom of expression and inquiry and is a threat to the academic community. Such interference will be considered a matter of serious concern to be dealt with internally unless external intervention is required to preserve public order.
A disruptive activity is one which interferes with the educational function of this institution. Any activity which jeopardizes lives or property is considered disruptive.
In the event of a disruptive activity, the college will attempt to resolve the matter internally utilizing procedure already developed. These procedures insure the right of due process. It is impossible to resolve disruptive situations unless members of the academic community comply with the reasonable request of an appropriate administrative officer to cease the disruption. Administrative officers will attempt to resolve disruptive situations in the following manner.
An administrative officer of the college will discuss the disruption and the issues involved with the participants and encourage them to cease the disruption and to resolve the issues utilizing existing procedures.
Upon failure to cease the disruption, the administrative officer will indicate that failure to respond to his request will be considered an offense to be dealt with utilizing normal procedures. Specifically, failure to respond could result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension and dismissal.
Continued failure to cease disruption may require a request for off-campus assistance. Such assistance may include the use of an injunction or the calling in of civil authorities to eject all violators from the campus. Those involved will be subject to civil and criminal penalties.
The above policy is related to all members of the academic community (administration, faculty, staff, and students) and official guests and visitors of the institution. Participants who are not members of the academic community will be dealt with by off-campus authority.
The practice commonly known as “hazing” will not be permitted on the Tompkins Cortland Community College campus and no recognized student organization may practice an initiation rite or require it as a condition for membership or affiliation. Specifically, the college will not tolerate recklessness or intentional acts which potentially endanger the health, well-being, and lives of individuals. Individuals may not be harassed, humiliated, or abused and may not be forced to consume liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with an organization.
The charter of all recognized student organizations shall contain a statement prohibiting hazing and all new students shall be made aware of the college position relative to hazing. Individuals or organizations involved in hazing practices shall be subject to college disciplinary procedures, as well as to applicable local, state, or federal laws.
The Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College requires the president of the college, or his delegate, to enforce these regulations.