Filter By Category Academics Admissions Advising & Student Success Alumni Alumni Stories Campus Life College Info College Updates Faculty Resources (-) Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Student Success Support Services Technology Content type Basic page Landing Page Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Financing for Military Families & Veterans Non-Governmental Reference Resources: American Council on Education (ACE) – Today’s GI Bill – State Veterans Benefits Directory Education Benefits – Financial Aid for Veterans... Basic page Academic Regulations Transfer Credit Policy Transfer courses are evaluated individually. Credits for all courses passed with a letter grade of C or higher at regionally accredited institutions and recorded on official... Basic page Financial Aid Forms Citizenship Verification Request Dependency Override Emergency Cash Advance Request Exhausted Aid Appeal Financial Aid Appeal Verification of Identity Special Circumstances Parent Assets Student... Basic page Loan Repayment / Default Prevention Student Loan Repayment/Debt Management Tompkins Cortland Community College participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan program. We encourage students to make informed decisions when taking out a... Landing Page Student Hub Landing Page Panther Welcome Center Basic page Cost of Attendance The Cost of Attendance is an estimate of what you can expect to pay to attend TC3 for an academic year. Your exact charges will be included on your billing statement. Cost of Attendance includes two... Basic page Be One of Us Scholarship Students who do not reside in New York State have the opportunity to pay in-state tuition through our Be One of US Scholarship! This scholarship waives the non-resident portion of tuition to support... Basic page Scholarships You can apply for scholarships right in Self-Service. Log in to Self-Service with your TC3 username and password. Open the TC3 Links menu and click on Online Scholarship Application. Alumni... Basic page HEERF ARP (HEERF III) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Tompkins Cortland Community College received Student Aid funding under section 2003(7) of the ARP. This program, with some changes, provides... Basic page Late Withdrawal/Waiver of Liability Appeal Guide Use the Late Withdrawal/Waiver of Liability Appeal form to request an exception to Tompkins Cortland Community College’s liability and/or withdrawal policies. Before completing the form, please review... Basic page Veterans Certification of Enrollment For all chapter benefits (with the exception of Chapter 31) our certifying official must notify the DVA of your enrollment each semester. It is your responsibility to contact our office at which time... Basic page Dining Options & Meal Plans The College offers student meal plans for meals seven days a week. Students living in residence halls will be required to purchase, at minimum, a 17-meal plan. This will be in adition to the cost of... Landing Page Global Partnerships Basic page Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) EOP supports students who have the potential to succeed in college but may face economic or academic challenges. We’re committed to making your transition into college life smoother so you feel...
Basic page Financing for Military Families & Veterans Non-Governmental Reference Resources: American Council on Education (ACE) – Today’s GI Bill – State Veterans Benefits Directory Education Benefits – Financial Aid for Veterans...
Basic page Academic Regulations Transfer Credit Policy Transfer courses are evaluated individually. Credits for all courses passed with a letter grade of C or higher at regionally accredited institutions and recorded on official...
Basic page Financial Aid Forms Citizenship Verification Request Dependency Override Emergency Cash Advance Request Exhausted Aid Appeal Financial Aid Appeal Verification of Identity Special Circumstances Parent Assets Student...
Basic page Loan Repayment / Default Prevention Student Loan Repayment/Debt Management Tompkins Cortland Community College participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan program. We encourage students to make informed decisions when taking out a...
Basic page Cost of Attendance The Cost of Attendance is an estimate of what you can expect to pay to attend TC3 for an academic year. Your exact charges will be included on your billing statement. Cost of Attendance includes two...
Basic page Be One of Us Scholarship Students who do not reside in New York State have the opportunity to pay in-state tuition through our Be One of US Scholarship! This scholarship waives the non-resident portion of tuition to support...
Basic page Scholarships You can apply for scholarships right in Self-Service. Log in to Self-Service with your TC3 username and password. Open the TC3 Links menu and click on Online Scholarship Application. Alumni...
Basic page HEERF ARP (HEERF III) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Tompkins Cortland Community College received Student Aid funding under section 2003(7) of the ARP. This program, with some changes, provides...
Basic page Late Withdrawal/Waiver of Liability Appeal Guide Use the Late Withdrawal/Waiver of Liability Appeal form to request an exception to Tompkins Cortland Community College’s liability and/or withdrawal policies. Before completing the form, please review...
Basic page Veterans Certification of Enrollment For all chapter benefits (with the exception of Chapter 31) our certifying official must notify the DVA of your enrollment each semester. It is your responsibility to contact our office at which time...
Basic page Dining Options & Meal Plans The College offers student meal plans for meals seven days a week. Students living in residence halls will be required to purchase, at minimum, a 17-meal plan. This will be in adition to the cost of...
Basic page Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) EOP supports students who have the potential to succeed in college but may face economic or academic challenges. We’re committed to making your transition into college life smoother so you feel...