For all chapter benefits (with the exception of Chapter 31) our certifying official must notify the DVA of your enrollment each semester. It is your responsibility to contact our office at which time you are fully registered for a term. Your enrollment will be certified with the DVA shortly thereafter. The VA Certifying Official is located in the Office of Financial Aid.
What to send Tompkins Cortland’s VA Certifying Official
- Copy of completed application for (Veterans education benefits).
- Copy of member 4 DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty).
- Copy of official transcripts from all previous colleges (if applicable).
- Copy of Kicker Program documentation (if applicable).
- Notice of basic eligibility (NOBE) if you are in the Reserves.
- Certificate of Eligibility (you will receive this from the Buffalo Regional VA office once a determination on your eligibility is made) or WAVE Benefits or eBenefits Education Status Pages showing education benefits.
- Signed copy of Memorandum of Understanding.
- Copy of TC3's VA Enrollment Form.
Monthly Enrollment Verification
Each month that you qualify for benefits, you must contact the DVA for enrollment certification. This should be done on the last day of each month, online at Follow the WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) link to complete electronic certification or via phone at 1-877-823-2378. If your enrollment certification has been submitted and you would like to check on the status of your payment, you can call the NYS regional office at 1-888-442-4551.
Important: It is your responsibility to notify the VA Certifying Official when withdrawing or adding a course in the Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters. You can stop at our office and bring a copy of your VA Enrollment Form or official withdrawal showing the date(s) of withdrawal.
Important: Chapter 33 (The Post 9/11 GI Bill). The veteran is responsible for any overpayment incurred as a result of not completing courses. In the event a veteran does not complete a course, schools should follow their established student refund policy. VA will work with student to resolve overpayment.
Bottom Line: Tuition and Fee payments are paid to the school on behalf of the veteran, overpayments for Tuition and Fees will be charged to the veteran.
Scholarships and Awards for Veterans: For further information about scholarships and awards for veterans and to apply please visit the Military Corner. Questions may be addressed to 1-888-697-4372 or email at
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