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Basic page Non-Academic Code of Conduct Process When a non-academic incident occurs involving a Tompkins Cortland Community College student’s alleged violation of any rule or regulation outlined in the Student Conduct Code policies or in the...
Basic page Other Student Grievances This process is intended to be used to address problems arising in the relationship between a student and a staff or faculty member that are not specifically governed by one of the other procedures...
Basic page Weapons on Campus Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted on campus, including residence halls. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons by anyone is strictly...
Basic page Bias Crimes Prevention Hate Crimes and the Law Tompkins Cortland Community College is committed to protecting all members of the Tompkins Cortland community by preventing and prosecuting bias or hate crimes occurring within...
Basic page Sexual Assault, Dating Partner Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention Tompkins Cortland Community College has programs in place to protect all members of the Tompkins Cortland community from sexual assault, stalking and domestic and intimate partner violence, including...
Basic page Maintenance of Order An academic institution cannot function properly in its search for knowledge and truth in an atmosphere which is not open. A college must continue to function if the search is to be meaningful. Any...
Basic page Student Bill of Rights The State University of New York and the College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking...
Article Three Honored with Distinguished Alumni Awards The Distinguished Alumni Award of Tompkins Cortland Community College was presented to three alums at the College’s commencement ceremony on May 24, 2022. The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes...
Article Students and Alums Honored at Cayuga Film Fetival Several current students and recent graduates of the communication and media arts programs at Tompkins Cortland Community College were among the winners at the recent Cayuga Film Festival. Two...
Article Alumni Profile: Alice Jane and Phil Munson - Members of TC3's First Class When TC3 first opened its door in the former Groton High School building back in September of 1968, the College's total enrollment numbered 180 students and included Alice Jane and Phil Munson. Like...
Article Alumni Profile: Kansas Underwood, Class of 2004 My whole experience at TC3 was fantastic. I had excellent and supportive instructors, both during non-nursing classes and nursing courses. I felt so prepared and supported. Twenty years ago, Kansas...
Basic page Diversity & Inclusion Diversity enriches our learning. We embrace diversity in all of its contexts, including strengths, perspectives, and people. We seek to increase our capacity to understand issues of difference, power...
Basic page Campus Map & Directions Main Campus Tompkins Cortland Community College 170 North St, P.O. Box 139 Dryden, NY 13053 1.888.567.8211 – 1.607.844.8211 Campus is located between Ithaca and Cortland on Route 13 just north of the...
Basic page The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Records Officer Nancy Murphy, Assistant to the President 607.844.8222 x4367 | Appeals Officer Amy Kremenek, President 607.844.8222 x4367 | Tompkins Cortland...
Article Three Presented Distinguished Alumni Awards The Distinguished Alumni Award of Tompkins Cortland Community College was presented to Roxan Noble, Lonnie Park, and Lisa Perfetti at the College’s commencement ceremony on May 23, 2023. The...