Filter By Category Academics Admissions (-) Advising & Student Success Alumni Alumni Stories Campus Life College Info College Updates Faculty Resources (-) Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Student Success Support Services Technology Content type Basic page Landing Page Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Title IV Refund Policy The U.S. Department of Education assumes that you earn your aid based on the period of time you remain enrolled. During the first 60 percent of the semester you earn Title IV funds in direct... Basic page American Rescue Act Special Circumstance If you have a documented Special Circumstance that negatively affects you/your family’s financial situation – such as state unemployment receipts – you could be eligible for a financial aid adjustment... Basic page Academic Advising Academic Advisors You will be assigned a faculty academic advisor for your program of study. You usually stay with the same academic advisor until graduation unless you change degree programs. All... Basic page Career Advising We’re here to help you discover the career possibilities and prepare for that next step after TC3. Whether it's helping you determine your academic degree program, your future career path, or editing... Landing Page Student Support Basic page Academic Recovery The Academic Recovery Process is for students who are below the College’s Academic Standards . The purpose is to inform and advise them on their path to returning to good academic standing. An... Basic page Financial Aid Attending college is one of the best investments you will ever make! Financial aid can help you pay for your education and we're here to help you navigate the process and maximize your financial aid... Basic page Excelsior Scholarship Students attending SUNY or CUNY colleges who meet certain financial, academic, and residency requirements may also be eligible for New York's Excelsior Scholarship program. The Excelsior Scholarship... Basic page Financing for Military Families & Veterans Non-Governmental Reference Resources: American Council on Education (ACE) – Today’s GI Bill – State Veterans Benefits Directory Education Benefits – Financial Aid for Veterans... Basic page Academic Regulations Transfer Credit Policy Transfer courses are evaluated individually. Credits for all courses passed with a letter grade of C or higher at regionally accredited institutions and recorded on official... Basic page Financial Aid Forms Citizenship Verification Request Dependency Override Emergency Cash Advance Request Exhausted Aid Appeal Financial Aid Appeal Verification of Identity Special Circumstances Parent Assets Student... External Resource College Catalog Basic page Loan Repayment / Default Prevention Student Loan Repayment/Debt Management Tompkins Cortland Community College participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan program. We encourage students to make informed decisions when taking out a... Landing Page Student Hub Landing Page Panther Welcome Center Load More
Basic page Title IV Refund Policy The U.S. Department of Education assumes that you earn your aid based on the period of time you remain enrolled. During the first 60 percent of the semester you earn Title IV funds in direct...
Basic page American Rescue Act Special Circumstance If you have a documented Special Circumstance that negatively affects you/your family’s financial situation – such as state unemployment receipts – you could be eligible for a financial aid adjustment...
Basic page Academic Advising Academic Advisors You will be assigned a faculty academic advisor for your program of study. You usually stay with the same academic advisor until graduation unless you change degree programs. All...
Basic page Career Advising We’re here to help you discover the career possibilities and prepare for that next step after TC3. Whether it's helping you determine your academic degree program, your future career path, or editing...
Basic page Academic Recovery The Academic Recovery Process is for students who are below the College’s Academic Standards . The purpose is to inform and advise them on their path to returning to good academic standing. An...
Basic page Financial Aid Attending college is one of the best investments you will ever make! Financial aid can help you pay for your education and we're here to help you navigate the process and maximize your financial aid...
Basic page Excelsior Scholarship Students attending SUNY or CUNY colleges who meet certain financial, academic, and residency requirements may also be eligible for New York's Excelsior Scholarship program. The Excelsior Scholarship...
Basic page Financing for Military Families & Veterans Non-Governmental Reference Resources: American Council on Education (ACE) – Today’s GI Bill – State Veterans Benefits Directory Education Benefits – Financial Aid for Veterans...
Basic page Academic Regulations Transfer Credit Policy Transfer courses are evaluated individually. Credits for all courses passed with a letter grade of C or higher at regionally accredited institutions and recorded on official...
Basic page Financial Aid Forms Citizenship Verification Request Dependency Override Emergency Cash Advance Request Exhausted Aid Appeal Financial Aid Appeal Verification of Identity Special Circumstances Parent Assets Student...
Basic page Loan Repayment / Default Prevention Student Loan Repayment/Debt Management Tompkins Cortland Community College participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan program. We encourage students to make informed decisions when taking out a...