Career Connections: STEM
Interested in working in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math? Join Career Connections Zoom Meeting on March 18 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Find out about jobs open now, and more importantly, find out how to get the education and qualifications needed and talk to employers in the field and educators to put you on track.
Career Connections events connect students with local employers who present job opportunities and discuss educational tracks to take advantage of those opportunities. Hosted by The Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Development and the Office of Student Success, Career Services, Career Connections are free to attend and require no registration.
Event Schedule
12:30 - 1 p.m. Tompkins Cortland Alumni Panel live virtual discussion about their time at Tompkins Cortland and their STEM Careers
Daniel Hoffman, Cornell Lab Manager, TC3 Degree: Biology
Jenna Mulvaney, Biotech Production and Dental Hygienist, TC3 Degree: Biotechnology
Ben Wollman, Environmental Sci. at Horsley Witten, TC3 Degrees: LAS Math and Science and Environmental Studies
Chunmei McKernan, Neuroscience Researcher at Columbia, TC3 Degree: Biotechnology
Scott Umiker, Empire Geo Services, TC3 Degrees: Construction and Environmental Technology
Steve Anderson, Duke University , TC3 Degree: Biotechnology
Makayla Weisbrodt, TC3 Graduate of Note, TC3 Degrees: LAS Math and Science and Biotechnology
1 - 2 p.m. Students Meet with Employers in virtual breakout rooms and ask questions about their organization and industry. Students can also submit resumes for listed positions and some may get to interview after the event.
CBORD, Ithaca, N.Y.
- Computer Technical Support Generalist (multiple positions)
- QA Specialist, IMPAC
- Computer Customer Support Intern
- Database Quality Assurance Specialist
Borg Warner, Ithaca, N.Y.
- Manufacturing Technician
- Faculties Maintenance Supervisor
- Maintenance Electrician
- Safety Co-op
- Engineering Coop Fall 2021
- Production Positions
Halco, Finger Lakes Region
Bolton Point Water System, Ithaca, N.Y.
(Employer coming to discuss future positions, like…)
- Water Treatment Plant Operator, and Assistant
- Distribution Operator, and Assistant
- Water Maintenance Specialist
- Electrical Mechanical Technician
- GIT / IT Specialists
Gutchess Lumber, Cortland, N.Y.
Join Career Connections Zoom Meeting - on March 18th (12:30-2 p.m.)
Meeting ID: 950 5388 7677
Passcode: Career
Dial by your location+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 950 5388 7677
Passcode: 409372