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Basic page Exam Preparation Strategies Test Anxiety Many students experience severe test anxiety, when there is such an extreme stress level that a number of significant physical and/or emotional responses occur before or during a test...
Basic page Transportation Options Local Transportation Information Sites Way2Go Cortland County Way2Go Tompkins County With three locations ranging from the Nancy S. Lieberman Extension Center on The Commons in Ithaca to the main...
Basic page CollegeNow in your High School Concurrent enrollment is taking college classes in your high school that count both for your high-school diploma and college transcript! This program is perfect for people who want to get ahead on...
Basic page Employer & Recruiter Services Connect with TC3 Students Thank you for your interest in connecting with and recruiting our students! Tompkins Cortland Community College prepares students for in-demand occupations and transfer...
Basic page Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) EOP supports students who have the potential to succeed in college but may face economic or academic challenges. We’re committed to making your transition into college life smoother so you feel...