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Basic page Start a New CollegeNow Course Many instructors find that courses they teach, or hope to teach, can be adapted to align with Tompkins Cortland courses. Please review this list of courses which have been approved for concurrent...
Basic page Designing CollegeNow Curriculum Designing curriculum for your school with the college-bound student in mind. Concurrent Enrollment can help high school students to prepare for college by helping them to transition to college level...
Basic page CollegeNow Math Degree Requirements A.S. degrees are designed for seamless transfer and must have at least 30 Gen Ed credits, including SUNY Gen Ed math A.A.S. degrees are designed for career entry; students may transfer, realizing that...
Basic page Grading Policies At the beginning of each College course, the instructor will inform students of the criteria to be used in determining the final grade. Students who enter the course late should be sure that they know...
Basic page CollegeNow Counselor Responsibilities Guidelines Responsibilities The responsibilities of a school counselor may vary by school, but there are some common expectations. Counselors are primarily responsible for advising students about taking...
Basic page CollegeNow Mentor Guidelines Every student enrolled in a CollegeNow Online course is required to work with a mentor at his or her high school. Mentors support students in their transition to college level coursework in the online...
Basic page CollegeNow Instructor FAQs Is there a standard attendance policy? Instructors must indicate their attendance policy in the course outline. Most schools have their own attendance policies that the teacher must follow for the...
Basic page Purpose of CollegeNow Faculty Liaison Program To monitor quality, consistency, and curricular alignment of concurrent enrollment classes that are awarding college credits. To improve overall communication and encourage dialogue between Tompkins...
Basic page CollegeNow Concurrent Enrollment Timeline Reminder: All Registration Verification and grading must be submitted using myTC3. Fall Semester Classes Start — September 23, 2024 Last Day of Classes — January 24, 2025 Last Date to Add — October 8...
Basic page Copyright Compliance Policy Purpose of Copyright Compliance Policy The purpose of the Tompkins Cortland Community College Copyright Compliance Policy: Library and Classroom, is to provide a summary of U.S. copyright law as it...
Basic page Emergency Closings and Delays During the winter season, we can expect frequent snow and occasional severe winter weather. Closings and delays will be implemented only when extreme winter conditions exist. Day Classes For inclement...
Basic page Find Articles Article Databases by Subject General Multi-Subject Agriculture Anthropology Art, Music, Film Business Careers & Test Prep Controversial Topics Criminal Justice & Law Education Environmental Studies...
Basic page Find Textbooks & Course Reserves Textbooks and other assigned materials are often on reserve in the library for students to use. You may borrow reserve textbooks from the Service Desk in the library for up to two hours at a time...
Basic page Find Research Guides ANTH 202: Cultural Anthropology BIOL 101/102: Principles of Biology (Ms. Degan) BIOL 131/132: New Visions Health and Medical Sciences (Ms. Hightower) BIOL 211: Ecology BUAD 290: Strategic Management...
Basic page Contact Us Email | Phone | 607-844-8222 x4360 Toll-Free | 1-888-567-8211 x4360 Text | 607-264-0440 Address | 170 North St, PO Box 139, Dryden, NY 13053-0139 Karla Block Librarian...