Filter By Category Academics Admissions Advising & Student Success Alumni Alumni Stories Campus Life (-) College Info College Updates Faculty Resources Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Student Success (-) Support Services Technology Content type Basic page Landing Page Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Classroom Behavior Tompkins Cortland values every student’s right to learn and each faculty member’s right to teach in an uninterrupted environment. To foster that environment, proper etiquette in the classroom is... Basic page Grade Challenge Students who wish to challenge a grade should do so within 30 calendar days after the final grade is posted in MyTC3. The granting of a grade appeal is fairly rare, but it can happen. The usual... Basic page Disability-Related Accommodation Procedures for requesting disability-related accommodations (inside and outside the classroom) for students can be found in Disability Services. Procedures for requesting disability-related... Basic page Computer Resource Use Protocols Purpose Access to computing resources is intended to provide members of the College community support for education, research, and necessary administrative activities. Use of the campus computing... Basic page Non-Academic Code of Conduct Updated August, 2021 Statement of Responsibilities As members of the Tompkins Cortland Community College, students have an obligation to know and comply with the rules and regulations of the... Basic page New Student Orientation Landing Page Live on Campus Basic page Bookstore Everything you need for a successful semester is right here! From textbooks to school supplies and Panther gear, our bookstore has you covered. Check out the options below to make sure you're fully... Basic page Voter Registration Voting is your right, and no one can stand in your way when you want to exercise that right. It's a fairly simple process to get registered and vote - but there are a few things to know. The Office of... Basic page Assistive Technology Some of our assistive technology is available to all students and some is available only to students with specific disability access plans. If you feel that a particular program or other assistive... Basic page Emotional Support Animal Request If you are considering bringing an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) to live with you in the residence hall at TC3, it is important to follow the proper procedures to receive official approval. Emotional... Basic page Housing & Dining Accommodation Housing & Dining Accommodation Request Form Please complete this form if: you would like us to consider any medical, psychological, or other needs when making your housing assignment; to request to be... Basic page Documentation & Department Processes The Social Justice Model for Disability Access & Equity Team Approach to Disability Services at TC3 The Access & Equity Team (Team) at Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) has adopted a social... Basic page Human Participant Guidelines Before conducting any research or surveys involving Tompkins Cortland Community College students, faculty, or staff, contact the IR Department for approval. All provisions in this policy are... Basic page Disc Golf The disc golf course at TC3 is a hidden gem for anyone looking to combine outdoor fun with a bit of friendly competition. Designed to challenge players of all levels, the course features a mix of open... Load More
Basic page Classroom Behavior Tompkins Cortland values every student’s right to learn and each faculty member’s right to teach in an uninterrupted environment. To foster that environment, proper etiquette in the classroom is...
Basic page Grade Challenge Students who wish to challenge a grade should do so within 30 calendar days after the final grade is posted in MyTC3. The granting of a grade appeal is fairly rare, but it can happen. The usual...
Basic page Disability-Related Accommodation Procedures for requesting disability-related accommodations (inside and outside the classroom) for students can be found in Disability Services. Procedures for requesting disability-related...
Basic page Computer Resource Use Protocols Purpose Access to computing resources is intended to provide members of the College community support for education, research, and necessary administrative activities. Use of the campus computing...
Basic page Non-Academic Code of Conduct Updated August, 2021 Statement of Responsibilities As members of the Tompkins Cortland Community College, students have an obligation to know and comply with the rules and regulations of the...
Basic page Bookstore Everything you need for a successful semester is right here! From textbooks to school supplies and Panther gear, our bookstore has you covered. Check out the options below to make sure you're fully...
Basic page Voter Registration Voting is your right, and no one can stand in your way when you want to exercise that right. It's a fairly simple process to get registered and vote - but there are a few things to know. The Office of...
Basic page Assistive Technology Some of our assistive technology is available to all students and some is available only to students with specific disability access plans. If you feel that a particular program or other assistive...
Basic page Emotional Support Animal Request If you are considering bringing an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) to live with you in the residence hall at TC3, it is important to follow the proper procedures to receive official approval. Emotional...
Basic page Housing & Dining Accommodation Housing & Dining Accommodation Request Form Please complete this form if: you would like us to consider any medical, psychological, or other needs when making your housing assignment; to request to be...
Basic page Documentation & Department Processes The Social Justice Model for Disability Access & Equity Team Approach to Disability Services at TC3 The Access & Equity Team (Team) at Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) has adopted a social...
Basic page Human Participant Guidelines Before conducting any research or surveys involving Tompkins Cortland Community College students, faculty, or staff, contact the IR Department for approval. All provisions in this policy are...
Basic page Disc Golf The disc golf course at TC3 is a hidden gem for anyone looking to combine outdoor fun with a bit of friendly competition. Designed to challenge players of all levels, the course features a mix of open...