Filter By Category Academics Admissions (-) Advising & Student Success Alumni Alumni Stories Campus Life (-) College Info College Updates Faculty Resources Financial Health & Safety Human Resources Student Life Student Success Support Services Technology Content type Basic page Landing Page Employees must login to see secured content in the search results. Basic page Steering Committee and Working Groups Self-Study Leads Malvika Talwar – Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer Kelly Wessell – Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies Victoria Zeppelin –... Landing Page Foundation Basic page College Senate The College Senate is the voice and representation for faculty, staff, students, and administrators in the campus Shared Governance process. The College Senate fosters a dynamic, open, and cooperative... External Resource Change of Student Data Basic page Consumer Information The Higher Education Act of 1965 and The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 require colleges and universities that receive Title IV funds to disclose certain specific information about the... Basic page Employer & Recruiter Services Connect with TC3 Students Thank you for your interest in connecting with and recruiting our students! Tompkins Cortland Community College prepares students for in-demand occupations and transfer... Landing Page Community Members TC3 provides a variety of facilities and programs for community members to enjoy, from fitness and recreation to events and gatherings. Explore all the resources available to you right here in your Basic page Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the College. The board is comprised of representatives of both Tompkins and Cortland Counties, appointed by either the respective county legislature or... Basic page Swimming Pool The TC3 pool is available for family swims, lap swimming, college swims (TC3 students only), water aerobics, and swim lessons. Fees Swimming Pool Fees Group Fees TC3 Students Free with TC3 ID TC3... Landing Page Experience TC3
Basic page Steering Committee and Working Groups Self-Study Leads Malvika Talwar – Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer Kelly Wessell – Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies Victoria Zeppelin –...
Basic page College Senate The College Senate is the voice and representation for faculty, staff, students, and administrators in the campus Shared Governance process. The College Senate fosters a dynamic, open, and cooperative...
Basic page Consumer Information The Higher Education Act of 1965 and The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 require colleges and universities that receive Title IV funds to disclose certain specific information about the...
Basic page Employer & Recruiter Services Connect with TC3 Students Thank you for your interest in connecting with and recruiting our students! Tompkins Cortland Community College prepares students for in-demand occupations and transfer...
Landing Page Community Members TC3 provides a variety of facilities and programs for community members to enjoy, from fitness and recreation to events and gatherings. Explore all the resources available to you right here in your
Basic page Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the College. The board is comprised of representatives of both Tompkins and Cortland Counties, appointed by either the respective county legislature or...
Basic page Swimming Pool The TC3 pool is available for family swims, lap swimming, college swims (TC3 students only), water aerobics, and swim lessons. Fees Swimming Pool Fees Group Fees TC3 Students Free with TC3 ID TC3...