We are here for you
We provide integrated services and programs to encourage inclusive individual and community well-being.
We foster multiple and varied caring connections while delivering high-quality health and wellness services in a diverse and supportive environment.
Health Education, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention
Community Coalition
The Cross-Community LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Alliance (CCLAA) is vital to bringing key stakeholders to the table to help with choosing and implementing effective environmental strategies to prevent and reduce underage drinking and substance use and its negative consequences for youth and young adults in the LGBTQIA+ Community.
The CCLAA coalition is responsible for supporting alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention strategies that center the LGBTQIA+ youth population in Tompkins and Cortland counties, working to strengthen the broader communities’ resources for supporting LGBTQIA+ youth through safe spaces, prosocial engagement, and other evidence-based practices. Our vision is to use evidence-based practices, positive interpersonal interactions, and community support to improve outcomes for LGBTQIA+ youth related to alcohol and other drugs in Tompkins and Cortland counties.
Gathering and Sharing Information
Every semester, our students are invited to fill out a survey to track their beliefs and behaviors around alcohol and other drugs, and the efficacy of our services on campus and in the community. Survey data helps the Coalition identify issues and trends, while evaluating the impact of its strategies.
Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to treatment (SBIRT) is a structured set of questions and a brief follow-up discussion between a student and a Health and Wellness staff member designed to address alcohol and drug use problems.
The Options Program
The Options Program is TC3’s confidential, short-term alcohol and drug education service. The mission of the Options Program is to support student learning and promote campus and community wellness by reducing alcohol and other drug abuse and related consequences.
For more information on The Options Program Call Ashley Dickson | 607.844.8222, Ext. 4539