The Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College wishes to establish the status of President Emeritus to honor Tompkins Cortland Community College Presidents who have served with outstanding distinction.
Criteria – The criteria for selection as President Emeritus may include but is not limited the following:
- Served with great distinction for ten or more years
- Achieved distinction as Tompkins Cortland Community College in areas such as service to students, service to the College, service to SUNY and service to the greater Tompkins and Cortland communities
- Must be nominated by a Board Resolution to be accompanied by any and all such supporting materials as may be deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board and must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees
The status of President Emeritus shall confer the following privileges:
- Use of the title “President Emeritus” in community and professional activities
- Listing as President Emeritus in the College catalog and on the College website
- Continued access to Tompkins Cortland Community College email
- Invitation to College events and activities
- Any other privileges that the Board may confer from time to time in its discretion.
Resolution #2017-2018-1