Responsible Executive
Review Cycle
Annual. January.
Purpose and Scope
The State Archives, State Department, pursuant to section 57.25 of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, and Part 185, Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rule, and Regulations of the State of New York, has requested the retention and disposition schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1). This Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records indicates the minimum length of time that local government officials must retain their records before they may be disposed of legally.
Policy Statement
Tompkins Cortland Community College thereby adopts the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records LGS-1. It has been prepared and issued pursuant to Article 57.25 of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law and Part 185, Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rule, and Regulations of the State of New York.
Schedule Purposes
The purposes of this Schedule are to:
- Ensure that records are retained as long as needed for administrative, legal, and financial purposes;
- Ensure that state and federal record retention requirements are met;
- Ensure that record series with enduring historical and other research value are identified and retained permanently; and
- Encourage and facilitate the systematic disposal of unneeded records.
3/18/76 – Resolution #1975-76-23 – Records Retention and Disposition
4/24/86; 3/23/89 – Resolution #1988-89-68 – Records Retention and Disposition Schedule CC-1
5/10/2007; 11/10/2016
Policy Reference Number