Classroom Behavior
Tompkins Cortland values every student’s right to learn and each faculty member’s right to teach in an uninterrupted environment. To foster that environment, proper etiquette in the classroom is essential. The instructor has the right and responsibility to take appropriate action when a student’s behavior interrupts another student’s right to learn. Each individual course outline will establish both the classroom behavioral and academic integrity expectations from the instructor.
Disruptions to classroom behavioral expectations may include, but are not limited to interruptions through use of cell phones or other electronic devices, video/audio recording or classes including any such recording of events taking place in class, not necessarily limited to course lectures, unnecessary or boisterous talking during lecture and exam sessions, arriving to class late or leaving a class early, inappropriate language and tone. Instructors may remove a student for the class session for such disruptive behavior, any may begin disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Tompkins Cortland Non-Academic Code of Conduct.
Statement of Academic Integrity Policy
All students at Tompkins Cortland Community College are expected to act in an academically honest fashion in all aspects of their academic work: in writing papers and reports, in taking examinations, in performing laboratory experiments and reporting the results, in clinical and cooperative learning experiences, and in attending to paperwork such as registration forms.
Any written work submitted by a student must be his or her own. If the student uses the words or ideas of someone else, he or she must cite the source by such means as a footnote. Our guiding principle is that any honest evaluation of a student’s performance must be based on that student’s work. Any action taken by a student that would result in misrepresentation of someone else’s work or actions as the student’s own — such as cheating on a test, submitting for credit a paper written by another person, or forging an advisor’s signature — is intellectually dishonest and may result in sanctions and/or penalties.
Our Library has created a repository of resources on the topic of Academic Integrity, which can be found here:
- Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Resources for Faculty
- Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Resources for students
Several degree programs offer student learning opportunities (such as internships, field work, and clinical experiences) outside the standard classroom setting. As part of the learning process, students must understand and engage in conduct that adheres to principles guiding employment within the professional workplace. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, academic integrity, accountability, reliability, respect, use of appropriate language and dress, civility, professional ethics, honesty, and trustworthiness. Disciplinary action may be initiated for inappropriate conduct occurring while participating in any course-related project or event.