Title IX: Resources
Resources for victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault
Tompkins Cortland Office of Campus Police—room 118, 607-844-6511
Tompkins Cortland Health and Wellness Services—room 122, 607-844-8222, ext. 6577
Tompkins Cortland Health Center—room 118A, 607-844-8222, ext. 4487
Tompkins Cortland Vice President for Student Affairs—room 248, 607-844-8222, ext. 4244
Tompkins Cortland Title IX Coordinators:
- Carolyn Boone, Chief Policy & Compliance Officer, Title IX Coordinator, room 229, 607.844.8222, Ext. 4283
- Darese Doskal, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Room 248, 607.844.8222, Ext. 6591
- John Geer, Vice President for Human Resources, Affirmative Action Officer, Room 219, 607.844.8222, Ext. 4440
Hotline – NYS Police for Sexual Assaults on College & University Campuses (“Enough is Enough”), 1.844.845.7269. Specially-trained members will be on-call 24 hours a day to respond to sexual assault calls throughout the State. This is private reporting, not confidential or anonymous.
LawNY - Provides free legal assistance for civil cases and guidance for criminal cases - LawNY.org
Tompkins County
- Advocacy Center Hotline—607.277.5000; Office—607.277.3203
- Human Rights Commission of Tompkins County—607.277.4080
- Ithaca Health Center operated by Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes—607.273.1513
Cortland County
- Aid to Victims of Violence—607.753.3639
Tioga County
A New Hope Center— Hotline - 800.696.7600; Office - 607.687.6887
Additional Information on Stalking Behaviors
- Title IX: Overview
- Title IX: Definitions
- Title IX: How to Report
- Title IX: Grievance Policy & Procedures: 2024 Regulations
- Title IX: Grievance Policy & Procedures for Complaints against Employees, Vendors & Others – 2024 Regulations
- Title IX: Alternative Resolution Process for Students
- Title IX: Confidentiality
- Title IX: Climate Survey Results
- Title IX: Resources
- Title IX: Awareness and Training
- Title IX: Sexual Violence Response Policy
- Title IX: All Gender Restrooms
- Budget and Finance
- Campus Technology
- Human Resources
- Institutional Research