Specialty Book Sources
- Gale Ebooks/Gale Virtual Reference Library: Academic encyclopedias for background research, historical context, brief biographies. Learn about Finding Background Material
- Ebook Central: Academic books, available online.
- STAT!Ref: Ebooks for nursing. Learn about STAT!Ref.
- OverDrive: Popular ebooks and audiobooks, fiction and non-fiction, for your desktop or your device with the Libby app. (Click Sign In and then select the Tompkins Cortland library. More Information.)
- WorldCat: Find what's in thousands of libraries. You may be able to request that something be sent for you to use.
Book FAQs
- How do I find a specific book? What do I do if our library doesn't have it?
- What are my options to return books? How do I request a book return shipping label?
- I want to get the textbooks for my class. What do I need to do?
- Does the library have audio books?
- What if I want only books that are online?
- How can I see what I've borrowed?
Answers to more questions about books and ebooks.
Answers to more questions about how to borrow, request or return library materials
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