- ANTH 202: Cultural Anthropology
- BIOL 101/102: Principles of Biology (Ms. Degan)
- BIOL 131/132: New Visions Health and Medical Sciences (Ms. Hightower)
- BIOL 211: Ecology
- BUAD 290: Strategic Management (Extra Credit Books)
- Criminal Justice
- ECHD 110: Children and the Arts
- ENGL 100: Research Topics
- ENGL 101: Dryden High School (Mrs. During)
- ENGL 101: Groton High School (Mrs. LeVick)
- ENGL 102: Locating Literary Criticism
- ENGL 102: Annotated Bibliography Assignment (Curran)
- ENGL 104: Shakespeare
- ENGL 220: Literature for Children
- ENGL 229: Introduction to Poetry
- ENGL 233: Understanding Film
- ENVS 110/111/112: Food Systems Seminars
- HLTH 104: New Vision Medical Professions (Ms. Backes)
- HSTY 202: American History Since 1877: Primary Sources
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Nursing
- NURS 102: LPN to RN Transition
- NURS 110: Fundamentals of Nursing
- NURS 120: Critical Thinking in Medical Surgical Nursing
- NURS 208: Art & Science of Nursing Across the Lifespan
- NURS 225: Professional Practices & Complex Nursing Care
- RECR 110: Introduction to Recreation
- RECR/SOCE 150: Play Across Cultures
- SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology