Textbooks and other assigned materials are often on reserve in the library for students to use.
- You may borrow reserve textbooks from the Service Desk in the library for up to two hours at a time. These are available on a first-come first-served basis. Scanners and photocopiers are nearby.
- You may also request that we scan a chapter and email you a file. These files can be read on your screen and will expire two hours after you open them.
Search by:
- Course number (for example, ACCT101, ESL100)
- Teacher's name
- Words from the book title (for example, Accounting Principles)
Purchasing Textbooks
If you want to buy a copy of your textbook or rent it for the semester or need an access code, those come from the campus bookstore.
Visit the TC Bookstore website for their hours and to see what's available.
Check their FAQs for contact information, how to place an order and more.
Location: The bookstore is on the first floor of the academic building. If you come in the building through the main entrance at the bus circle, turn left up the hallway ramp and the bookstore will be on your left.