Specialty Streaming Resources
- Academic Video Online Educational streaming video titles spanning a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
- Nursing Education in Video Anytime, anywhere access to an "up-to-date collection of demonstration and training videos designed to help students improve clinical skills." Includes the complete collection (300+) of Medcom's full-length training videos.
- Clinical Nursing Skills in Video
Demonstration and training videos focusing on clinical nursing skills. All videos are 2024 or newer and are regularly updated. - Pharmacology World Videos covering all major drug classes, with the mechanism of action, major therapeutic uses, and common and serious adverse effects. Content also includes relevant physiology, pathophysiology, and biochemistry. Part of STAT!Ref.
- Anthropology Videos Online Documentary and educational films, including some primary sources. Reliable sources suitable for use in student papers and projects. Embed segments in a presentation.
- Audio Drama More than 200 dramatic works in streaming audio. "The plays are performed by leading actors from around the world [and] are recorded specifically for online listening."
- Royal Shakespeare Company Collection High-definition recordings of Shakespeare play performances featuring the world's best Shakespearean actors.
- Theatre in Video Definitive performances by leading actors and directors of hundreds of the world's most important plays. With related documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials.
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Video & DVD FAQs
- How do I list a movie in the bibliography of my paper?
- How do I refer to a moment in a movie in my paper?
- How do I find a specific movie or video? What do I do if our library doesn't own it?
- How do I find feature films?
- I need to find a documentary film. How do I do that?
- What Spanish-language movies do you have?
Answers to video FAQs for Nursing students
Answers to video FAQs for Faculty
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