Tompkins Cortland Community College
170 North Street, P.O. Box 139
Dryden, NY 13053
- MON 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- TUE 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- WED 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- THU 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- FRI 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- SAT Closed
- SUN Closed
Is there a standard attendance policy?
Instructors must indicate their attendance policy in the course outline. Most schools have their own attendance policies that the teacher must follow for the high school component of the course. Schools and CE instructors may have an additional policy in regards to attendance requirements for a student to register for, and remain enrolled in, a concurrent enrollment course for college credit. Tompkins Cortland has an Attendance Policy which may be adapted for use by the instructor. Instructors for campus and in CE courses often use grading to address absences and late work. Your policy for submission (and grading penalties) of late work and whether you provide make-up exams should be clearly stated in the course outline.
Do all students need to complete a certificate of residency application?
No. All students except the following:
- Students who already have a valid certificate of residency on file with the College (we provide a list of these to your guidance department at the beginning of each semester).
- Students residing in Cortland or Tompkins County.
- Foreign exchange students.
- Students who have not been a New York State resident for the past full year.
What are the accommodations for students with disabilities?
Students with documented disabilities are entitled by law (ADA/504) to have necessary academic adjustments, such as modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services. Academic adjustments may not lower academic standards nor substantially alter a course's essential requirements. A student's access plan is designed to provide equal access to course and related activities; academic adjustments do not confer an advantage to the student or guarantee academic success. The College has policies on accommodations. View our Access & Equity page.
Accommodations must be based upon current and appropriate documentation of the disability. For concurrent enrollment courses, academic adjustments and other accommodations for identified disabilities are provided by the school district or BOCES rather than directly by the College. Some Assistive Technology may be available from the College, as appropriate to the student's individual access plan. Students are encouraged to meet with their instructors before or early in the semester to discuss specific needs and method(s) for implementing their access plan within the course.
For questions and concerns about appropriate academic adjustments, contact the Director of CollegeNow or reach out directly to the Baker Center for Learning at
I have a student who just moved into the district from another county in New York State. How do they apply for a certificate of residency?
Until the student has lived in your county for six months, they will need to complete an application for a certificate of residency from their FORMER county. These can be sent to the CollegeNow office along with all other certificate of residency applications and proof of residence. If you need help locating the correct form for your student, please contact our office; most counties use the common form.
Do we send the certificate of residency applications to the appropriate county, or to your office?
Please send these forms to our office, along with the required proof of residence. We have a working relationship with each county office, and the process has been streamlined, with less work for you, if you send those forms directly to us.
If a student does not obtain a certificate of residence, do they still receive college credit for their course?
Yes. The certificate of residence status does not relate to a student's ability to obtain college credit. As long as the student registers and successfully completes the course, the student will receive college credit. However, all New York State residents attending a community college in New York State are required to obtain a certificate of residency.
My student refuses to provide his/her social security number. Can they still register for Concurrent Enrollment?
Yes. Students need to realize that this starts their permanent account with the college, and establishes their transcript record, so the number we assign now will be used in the future to track their courses. This may mean that they will prefer to use their social security number. If a student does not have a social security number, or refuses to release the number, we will assign a number to use instead - please contact our office.
I have not received official approval for my course yet. Can I have my students fill out the forms available on this website now?
No. Each teacher must receive official approval from the Concurrent Enrollment office for each course being offered, before they enroll any students in the course.
Do I need to submit my section syllabus now, even though I already turned one in last year?
Yes. All adjuncts, including concurrent enrollment instructors, are required to submit a current section syllabus for every semester that the course is taught.