Accuplacer Test Prep




Tompkins Cortland Community College
170 North Street, P.O. Box 139
Dryden, NY 13053


Main Campus
Panther Welcome Center


  • MON   8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • TUE    8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • WED  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • THU   9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • FRI     8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • SAT   Closed 
  • SUN  Closed

Accuplacer Tests

  • Arithmetic: 17 questions covering the following areas:
    • Whole Numbers and Fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation, equivalent fractions)
    • Decimals and Percents (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percents, fraction/decimal equivalents)
    • Applications and Problem Solving (rate, percent, measurement problems, geometry)
  • Elementary Algebra: 12 questions covering the following areas:
    • Integers and Rational Numbers (computation, absolute values, ordering)
    • Algebraic Expressions (evaluation of simple formulas, monomials/polynomials, rational roots, exponents, factoring)
    • Equations, Inequalities and Word Problems (linear equations, quadratic equations, geometric reasoning/graphing)
  • College-Level Math: 20 questions covering the following areas:
    • Algebraic operations (simplifying rational algebraic expressions, factoring, expanding polynomials, and manipulating roots and exponents)
    • Solutions of equations and inequalities (solution of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, equation systems and other algebraic equations)
    • Coordinate geometry (plane geometry, the coordinate plane, straight lines, conics, sets of points in the plane, and graphs of algebraic functions)
    • Applications and other algebra topics (complex numbers, series and sequences, determinants, permutations and combinations, fractions, and word problems)
    • Functions and trigonometry (polynomials, algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions)
  • Reading Comprehension: 20 questions covering:
    • Identifying Main Ideas
    • Direct Statements and Secondary Ideas
    • Inferences
    • Applications
    • Sentence Relationships
  • Sentence Skills: 20 questions covering:
    • Recognizing Complete Sentences
    • Coordination and Subordination
    • Clear Sentence Logic
  • WritePlacer: A 300–600 word essay to demonstrate writing skills. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, focus, and organization are evaluated. This section has a time limit of one hour. Your score will be based on how well you express, organize, and support your ideas.

Accuplacer Test Prep - Free Study Guides

  • College Board Student Guide:
    Sample test questions and a free iPhone/web app for test prep.
  • Colleges with Study Guides:
  • Other Internet Study Guides:
    • Khan Academy:
      Videos and exercises for arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra, trig, and pre-calculus topics.
      Self-paced tutoring for a wide range of math needs.
      Sample questions and review for all Accuplacer areas, including tips, formulas, and key points.
      Self-assessment modules for the Accuplacer and other college entrance exams.
  • Self-Assessment Modules for Accuplacer:
    • Arithmetic: Averages, rounding, arithmetic, estimation, sequences, exponents, fractions, square roots, geometry, percents, and ratios
    • Algebra: Basic algebra, advanced algebra
    • Reading Comprehension: Basic and advanced reading comprehension, reading for the main idea, reading vocabulary
    • Sentence Skills: Commas, basic/intermediate/advanced grammar, nouns, sentence correction, sentence flow, verbs