Employer & Recruiter Services

Connect with TC3 Students

Thank you for your interest in connecting with and recruiting our students! Tompkins Cortland Community College prepares students for in-demand occupations and transfer degrees through more than 40 degree and certificate programs, as well as microcredential programs and non-credit career training programs. We look forward to connecting you with our students and alumni to support their career exploration and fulfill your recruiting needs.

Interested in having a College representative come talk to your employees about microcredentials, certificates, and degree programs available at TC3? Let us know! Also, check out our continuing education and training programs for your employees!

How you can help TC3 Students!

Join us in shaping the future workforce by offering students valuable opportunities through your organization. 

Mentorships & Job Shadowing
Help students gain real-world insights and experience by guiding them through mentorship or allowing them to shadow professionals in your field.

Class Visits & Projects
Enhance student learning by hosting visits or collaborating on projects, giving them a hands-on understanding of industry practices.

Practice & Informational Interviews
Provide students with career advice and interview practice to prepare them for the job market.

Service Projects & Volunteer Opportunities
Allow students to contribute to meaningful community service projects while developing new skills and experiences.

Industry & Sector Panels
Engage with students by sharing your expertise and offering a deeper understanding of trends and challenges in your industry.

Sponsor Events & Activities
Increase your company’s visibility by sponsoring events that foster student engagement and growth.

Create your Employer Profile on Handshake

We use the online platform Handshake to educate students about the many amazing employers in our region, communicate with employer partners about opportunities to engage on campus, and share job and internship opportunities with students and alumni.

Getting Started on Handshake

Employers Quick Start Guide

This guide will provide you with valuable steps and resources to help you maximize your experience and results in Handshake. The account setup process is pretty straightforward, but there is a potential for roadblocks to come up for some users. Each section of this guide will take you through the setup steps, followed by the most common roadblocks and steps to take. You’ll also notice in each section there are links to Handshake’s Help Center. The Help Center provides a reliable and regularly updated resource that is available 24/7. To start you off, visit the overall Employer category, where you can browse the sections (topics) and articles.

Create Your User Account

You will need a user account in order to log in and use Handshake. You can view the details of this process, with screenshots, by checking out How to Create a User Account. If you've received an invite from a school or a colleague, you can follow the link to take you to the account creation process. If you're signing up without an invite, go to Handshake Employer Registration to create an employer account.

Common Roadblock:
Not seeing the confirmation email come through?

  1. Check your spam and junk folders to ensure that emails are not being filtered out.
  2. Add handshake@m.joinhandshake.com to your email contacts or address book.
  3. Check with your IT department and ask them to unblock Handshake or check for quarantined emails.

Then, resend the confirmation email once you've taken these steps. You can resend the confirmation by logging into Handshake and using the link in Step 4 on the right side of your screen.

Join Your Existing Company or Create a New One

You will need to be connected to your company profile on Handshake before taking any actions with schools.

Please Note: The goal of this step is to connect you with your company, not the schools you'd like to recruit from (that comes later). If you want to recruit from Stanford, do not list Stanford as your company. On-campus employers are an exception to this rule.

  • If your company is already in Handshake, it should pull up based on the domain of your email address.
  • If it doesn’t appear automatically, you can search for the company name.
  • Click "Request" in the top right corner of the box displayed to connect.
  • If your company has auto-approve staff enabled, you will be added immediately. If not, you’ll need approval from an existing staff member.

Common Roadblocks:

  • To proceed to the next step, click on the orange button in the top right corner that says “Next: Connect to Schools” once you’ve requested to connect with your company.
  • If your request to connect with your company has been consistently pending, check out this article.
  • If you requested to connect with the wrong company or wrong branch location, check out this article.

Pro-tip: Use your corporate email address if you have one. This ensures that your company profile is shown to you in Handshake and expedites the process of connecting to your company. Schools also tend to decline users with generic email addresses to ensure student safety.

If your company isn’t already in Handshake, you should see the option to “Create New Company” on the right side of the screen. Learn more about the new company creation process, with screenshots, here.

Common Roadblocks:

  • Using a corporate email address helps increase your Trust Score more quickly.
  • Schools tend to decline users with generic email addresses to ensure student safety.
  • If the page is open too long, it can time out, causing errors when trying to save the new company profile.

To prevent this:

  • Fill out the form as quickly as possible.
  • Image resizing takes the longest—images aren’t required immediately, so upload them later if needed.
  • Check out this image size guide.

Pro-tip: Keep this link handy in case you ever need to approve a fellow staff member.

Request to Connect with Schools

You must request and receive approval from a school before posting jobs there.

  • You can choose schools during your sign-up process and add more later.
  • Learn how to choose additional schools in Handshake here.

Pro-tip: When starting out, we recommend only requesting schools where you have an established relationship. If you don’t, start with 10-15 schools to build positive relationships while increasing your Trust Score. Once approved at initial schools, you can request more with a higher chance of approval.

Common Roadblocks:

  • Requests to connect with a school are typically processed by Career Services within 3-5 business days. To speed up approval, reach out to the school directly.
  • If your request was unexpectedly declined, contact the school directly to discuss reconsideration.

Pro-tip: Learn more about Trust Score here.

Take Action!

Once approved by at least one school, you can start posting jobslearn how here.

TC3 Handshake Posting Guidelines for Employers

Thank you for choosing to post your internships, micro-internships, co-ops, apprenticeships, jobs, and volunteer positions at Tompkins Cortland Community College. All organizations and companies that post these opportunities on Handshake must abide by the following laws and practices to ensure a legal, ethical, and equitable hiring process.

Employment Laws & Professional Standards

Employers must comply with:

Additional Guidelines

  • Employers on Handshake must be able to provide their Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) if requested.
  • Employer profiles must include a company email address, phone number, and physical address (no personal emails, phone numbers, P.O. Boxes, or virtual spaces).
  • Because Tompkins Cortland Community College offers associate’s degrees, microcredentials, and certificate programs:
    • Job postings must require an associate’s degree, microcredential, or certificate offered by TC3.
    • Job postings that require a bachelor’s degree must relate to an academic and/or certificate program at TC3, as TC3 alumni have access to Handshake.
  • Internships, apprenticeships, and co-ops must relate to an academic and/or certificate program at TC3.
  • Unpaid internships may be posted only if they meet the Department of Labor guidelines. If an unpaid internship does not meet these criteria, the posting will be removed. TC3 strongly suggests that interns receive financial compensation.
  • Third-party recruiters must:
    • Identify themselves as such in their profiles and postings.
    • Disclose the company for which they are recruiting to the Director of Workforce Development & Employer Partnerships at TC3.

Positions We Do Not Post

The following types of positions are not permitted on Handshake:

  • Babysitting, personal assistant, or other unreported employment
  • Maintenance, fast food, or other positions that do not require any college education
  • Multi-level sales or fee-based positions that require a financial investment from the candidate
  • Post-graduate education programs
  • Positions related to the adult entertainment industry, marijuana, or firearms

Important Notes

  • TC3 reserves the right to refuse a posting and/or employer account on Handshake if they do not:
    • Abide by the laws and guidelines listed above.
    • Maintain an Employer Trust Score above 85%.
    • Include complete and accurate profile or posting information.
  • TC3 is not responsible or liable for any position or employer listed on Handshake.

If you have any questions about these guidelines or other recruiter services, please contact us.

Creating your Handshake Profile

Create/update your Handshake profile. 

Be sure to include your mission, culture, types of careers, and information that would be interesting to a first-time viewer!

Once your profile is reviewed and approved, you will begin receiving information about ways to engage on campus and you can post jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities for TC3 students and alumni (as well as students at other area schools).

Internship Recruiting and Hiring Timelines

Internships are an excellent way to create a robust talent pipeline for your organization. If you're interested in hosting TC3 students as interns throughout the year, please adhere to the following posting schedule to have the best chance of finding interns. This timeline is especially important for students who are seeking to earn academic credit for their experience.

Spring Internships

  • Post opportunities around October 1
  • Set application deadlines around October 31
  • Interview and make offers by about November 15
  • Start internship according to student's academic timeline (first or second week of the semester)

Summer Internships

  • Post opportunities around February 1
  • Set application deadlines around February 28
  • Interview and make offers by about March 15
  • Start internship according to student's academic timeline (after the end of the Spring semester)

Fall Internships

  • Post opportunities around March 1
  • Set application deadlines around March 31
  • Interview and make offers by about April 15
  • Start internship according to student's academic timeline (first or second week of the semester)

On-Campus Recruiting Guidelines

Employers must follow Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recruitment and employment laws, applicable federal and NY state labor laws, as well as the Department of Education’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Additionally, Tompkins Cortland Community College adheres to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice and Professional Standards for University Relations and Recruiting.

Contact Us

Dara Riegel
Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Experiential Learning
BIZ | Workforce and Employer Partnerships
Schedule Virtual Meeting
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.